Soviet Atomic Energy Vol. 33, No. 6

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Body:  Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Russian Original Vol. 33, No. 6, December, 1972 June, 1973 SATEAZ 33(6) 1109-1,228 (1972) SOVIET' ATOMIC NERGY ATOMHAR 3HEPm (ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA) TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN CONSULTANTS BUREAU, NEW YORK Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY Soviet Atomic Energy is a cover-to-cover translation of Atomnaya Energiya, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.. An arrangement with Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, the Soviet book export agency, makes available both advance copies of the Rus- sian journal' and original glossy photographs and artwork. This serves to"decrease the necessary time lag between publication of the original and publication of the translation and helps, to im- prove the quality, of the latter. The translation began with, the first issue of the Russian journal. Editorial Board of Atomnaya tnergiya: Editor: M. D. Millionshchikov' Deputy Director I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, USSR Associate Editors: N. A.' Kolokol't'sov N. A. Vlasov A. A. Bochvar' N. A. Dollezhal' V. S. Fursov I. N. Golovin V. F. Kalinin A. K' Krasin A. I. Leipunskii A. P. Zefirov without permission of the' publishers. V, V. Matveev M. G. Meshcheryakov P. N. Pale! V. B. Shevchenko D. L. Simonenko V. I. Smirnov A. P. Vinogradov .Copyright?1973 Consultants Bureau, New York,a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011. All rights reserved. No article contained herein may be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever (Add $5 for orders outside the United Stetee and Canada.) CONSULTANTS BUREAU, NEWYORKAND LONDON Consultants Bureau journals appear about six months after the publication of the original Russian issue. For bibliographic accuracy, the English issue published by Consultants Bureau carries the same number and date as ..the original Russian from which it was translated. For example, a Russian issue published in Decem- ber will appear in a Consultants Bureau English translation about the following June; but the translation issue will carry the December date. When ordering 'any volume or particular issue of a Consultants Bureau journal; please specify the date and, where applicable, the volume and issue numbers of the original Russian. The material you will receive will be,atransl'ation of that Russian volume or issue. Subscription, i $75.00 'pervolume (6 Issues) Single Issue: $30 2 volumes per.year Single Article: $15 lJ 227. West 17th Street New York, New York 10011 ,Davis House 8 Scrubs Lane Harlesden, NW10 6SE England Published monthly. Second class postage paid at Jamaica, New York 11431. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 r'iSYf WS.. ~.~+'.~.~II~ ]} Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 M E RG A translation of Atomnaya Energiya June,1973 Volume 33, Number 6 December, 1972 CONTENTS Engl./Russ. ARTICLES Nuclear Physics Research Centers in the USSR - V. V. Goncharov and V. F. Kuleshov ......................................... BOOK REVIEWS A. M. Petros'yants - From Scientific Prospecting to Atomic Industry - Reviewed by Yu. Klimov .............................................. ARTICLES A Mathematica1LMC de'17 for Long-TermiRT-e fiction of( NucA clear Power Development Based ontEconomic Criteria - !A'D irtser,(G.`_B'Le~jental'~, andcS.-Y-a._ChernavskiP ....................... . . . . A MathematicalIbiodel for the Optimization of the Structure of the(Nucl1ear Power Industry on the Basis of Minimum i uclear EueI Requirements -L N. Bobolovich~ anda'u._ lKo_ry ki:n~ . ......................... Outflow of Radioactive[Noble_Ga es from the Coolant into the Gas Spaces of the First Circuit of thefB9Ii=60 Reactor - N 12 =G`ry v,LV ~V -Konyash-ov, ZVL._Poly ov, and4S V:-hechetkin ........................... Possible Recuperation of the Energy of a Beam of Charged Particles in a System of Tapered Diaphragms - :`A. Vi~ nogr do ,tS:~K Dim'itr_ov,tA:_i~I: Zhitlukhini, LV_' M~ 7n irnov, andiV.Gr Te1`'kovst i1 " in Soils and Plants -(R:_Ruiamov,,cI:MI:'-:Orestov_ ,1Sh:_KhTatamoy, fA._A;_Kist, and'R. YasTushkova ............................... Origin of Tracks of Fission Products in Lead Glasses -4 N:i'Ele , LV`P: Perefiygin, and O: tgonsuren~ ............................. ABSTRACTS Nonasymptotic"_Nentron-Spectrum in a Two-Component Medium with Energy-Dependent Cross Sections - P:_PIIatonov and&. ; Buk'yanov ................ Fourier Series Solutions of Certain Heterogeneous Problems -1S _S; Goro kov . , , .. Determination of Proton Ranges -CI-K:Zykov, LSD: Varyushchenko,, and f_G N _D Trov Calculation of Photoelectric Cross Sections for the Statistical Simulation of Transport Processes -LO _S'1VIar_enkoV .. , .. , The Behavior of Fluoroelastc=mers rrder y-Irradiation -B :Kr`yukwa; ITreshchalov, and~A=S,=Kuz!minskii , , , , , , , , , , , , , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Application of Radiometric Methods in the Mapping of Discontinuous Structures (Faults) and in Searching for Rare-Metal Deposits N-Koteltnikp ,v sand =V:_Grigor'e ................... 1109 947 1117 954 1119 955 1126 961 1131 965 1135 969 Radioactive Determination of Iron, Cobalt, Zinc, Scandium, Cesium, and Antimony h T-a~, r pns, 1141 975 1144 979 1150 985 1151 986 1152 987 1153 987 1154 988 1155 989 ~" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 (continued) Engl./Russ. Radioactivity of the4BORm60 ReactortCooiant -[I G:_Kobzar &V:- V: KUnashov, E: S-Lisitsyn, [G!I'Po?nyak, cV.=L_Polyako~, and jYa V-Chechetkin ...... 1158 991 Reactor with an Eccentrically Placed Active Zone - ~L-_A.IV rtsymo_va and I3: Z -T rrlin ........................................... 1160 992 Fusibility Diagrams of Ternary Systems Containing Magnesium and Calcium Chlorides and Uranium Trichloric;a or Tetrachloride -.LV'"r?:~Desyatnik. u::ZT:"Mel.'nil:ova,?:_Raspopin, and(L~LlTriionov ................. 1163 994 Fission Barriers of Heavy Nuclei -IP=E: Vorotnikov ....................... 1165 995 A Method for Determining the Diffusion Mobility of Inert Gases in Solids -ffl IZ-Skrov, ,,A"_I.--Dashkovskii, G' Zaluzhnyi, andLO_M-_Storo~zhuk ... 1168 997 Capture Efficiency in Injection of Beam Bunched at Frequency of Synchrotron Accelerating Resonators -JS;'K: Bsin, 12;_L ?etrosyan, andtV_ -LSi ;rov ... 1170 998 Spatial Distribution of Intensity of Ionization Process near Planar Radioactive Surface of Finite Dimensions - A. krauts and.I:._E._Sl shkova'............ 1173 1000 INFORMATION: CONFERENCES AND CONGRESSES III International Conference on Thermionic Direct Conversion of Electrical Energy -~D.; V'FSar`etnikov .......... ......... . .. ............... 1176 1003 Conference of IAEA Experts on CG s~Coole~ F~a_ t Reactors -[IVL_.M._Sin V and4V_..M.-Shmelev, .......................................... 1180 1005 VI International Symposium on Radiation Effects on Structural Materials - P. A. Platonov .......................................... 1183 1007 July 1972 INDC Session - G. B. Yan'kov ............................... 1186 1008 Second International Conference on High-)3 Pulsed Plasma - Yu. V. Skvortsov ...... 1188 1009 VI International Cyclotron Conference - N. I. Venikov ...................... 1191 1011 VIII International Conference on Nuclear Photographic Emulsions and Solid-State Track Detectors - N. P. Kocherov and L. I. Shur ...... ....... ....... 1193 1012 III Session of the All-Union School on Theoretical Nuclear Physics - N. Ya. Smorodinskaya . ......... . ........................... 1195 1013 INFORMATION: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LIAISONS Soviet Specialists in the Field of Superconducting Engineering Visit the USA - E. Yu. Klimenko ........................... . ............. 1197 1015 Visit of French Specialists on Radiation Safety to the Soviet Union - A. V. Fisun .... 1199 1016 INDEX Author Index, Volumes 32-33, 1972 ...... ....... ........... .... 1203 Tables of Contents, Volumes 32-33, 1972 ............................... 1211 The Russian press date (podpisano k pechati) of this issue was 12/6/1972. Publication therefore did not occur prior to this date, but must be assumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafter. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of Atomnaya Energiya June,1973 Volume 33, Number 6 December, 1972 CONTENTS Engl./Russ. ARTICLES Nuclear Physics Research Centers in the USSR - V. V. Goncharov and V. F. Kuleshov ........................................ 1109 947 BOOK REVIEWS A. M. Petros'yants - From Scientific Prospecting to Atomic Industry - Reviewed by Yu. Klimov ............................................... ARTICLES' A Mathematical Model for Long-Term Prediction of Nuclear Power Development Based on Economic Criteria - A. D. Virtser, G. B. Levental', and S. Ya. Chernavskii ............................. 1119 955 A Mathematical Model for the Optimization of the Structure of the Nuclear Power Industry on the Basis of Minimum Nuclear Fuel Requirements - V. N. Bobolovich and Yu. I. Koryakin .......................... 1126 961 Outflow of Radioactive Noble Gases from the Coolant into the Gas Spaces of the First Circuit of the BOR-60 Reactor - V. M. Gryazev, V. V. Konyashov, V. I. Polyakov, and Yu. V. Chechetkin ........................... 1131 965 Possible Recuperation of the Energy of a Beam of Charged Particles in a System of Tapered Diaphragms - O. A. Vinogradova, S. K. Dimitrov, A. M. Zhitlukhin, V. M. Smirnov, and V. G. Tel'kovskii ........................... 1135 969 Radioactive Determination of Iron, Cobalt, Zinc, Scandium, Cesium, and Antimony in Soils and Plants - R. Rustamov, I. I. Orestova, Sh. Khatamov, A. A. Kist, and R. Ya. Tushkova ............................... 1141 975 Origin of Tracks of Fission Products in Lead Glasses - G. N. Flerov, V. P. Perelygin, and O. Otgonsuren ............................. 1144 979 ABSTRACTS Nonasymptotic Neutron Spectrum in a Two-Component Medium with Energy-Dependent Cross Sections - A. P. Platonov and A. A. Luk'yanov ................ 1150 985, Fourier Series Solutions of Certain Heterogeneous Problems - S. S. Gorodkov..... 1151 986 Determination of Proton Ranges - I. K. Zykov, S. B. Varyushchenko, and G. N. Dmitrov ........................................... 1152 987 Calculation of Photoelectric Cross Sections for the Statistical Simulation of Transport Processes - O. S. Marenkov ................................. 1153 987 The Behavior of Fluoroelastomers under y-Irradiation - F. A. Makhlis, A. B. Kryukova, V. I. Treshchalov, and A. S. Kuz'minskii .... . .. . ... . . 1154 988 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Application of Radiometric Methods in the Mapping of Discontinuous Structures (Faults) and in Searching for Rare-Metal Deposits - G. N. Kotel'nikov and V. V. Grigor'ev ........................................ 1155 989 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 CONTENTS Engl./Russ. Radioactivity of the BOR-60 Reactor Coolant - I. G. Kobzar', V. V. Konashov, E. S. Lisitsyn, G. I. Poznyak, V. I. Polyakov, and Yu. V. Chechetkin ...... 1158 991 Reactor with an Eccentrically Placed Active Zone - L. A. Martsymova and B. Z. Torlin ........................................... _ 1160 992 Fusibility Diagrams of Ternary Systems Containing Magnesium and Calcium Chlorides and Uranium Trichioride or Tetrachloride - V. N. Desyatnik, Yu. T. Mel'nikova, S. P. Raspopin, and I. I. Trifonov ................. 1163 994 Fission Barriers of Heavy Nuclei - P. E. Vorotnikov ....................... 1165 995 A Method for Determining the Diffusion Mobility of Inert Gases in Solids . - D. M. Skorov, A. I. Dashkovskii, A. G. Zaluzhnyi, and O. M. Storozhuk... 1168 997 Capture Efficiency in Injection of Beam Bunched at Frequency of Synchrotron Accelerating Resonators - S. K. Esin, M. L. Petrosyan, and V. L. Serov ... 1170 998 Spatial Distribution of Intensity of Ionization Process near Planar Radioactive Surface of Finite Dimensions - A. S. Rozenkrants and I. E. Shishkova ............ 1173 1000 INFORMATION: CONFERENCES AND CONGRESSES III International Conference on Thermionic Direct Conversion of Electrical Energy - D. V. Karetnikov ......................................... 1176 1003 Conference of IAEA Experts on,Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors - M. M. Sinev and V. M. Shmelev ......................................... 1180 1005 VI International Symposium on Radiation Effects on Structural Material s - P. A. Platonov .......................................... 1183 1007 July 1972 INDC Session - G. B. Yan'kov ............................... 1186 1008 Second International Conference on High-P Pulsed Plasma - Yu. V. Skvortsov ...... 1188 1009 VI International Cyclotron Conference - N. I. Venikov ...................... 1191 1011 VIII International Conference on Nuclear Photographic Emulsions and Solid-State Track Detectors - N. P. Kocherov and L. I._ Shur ...... ....... ........ 1193 1012 III Session of the All-Union School on Theoretical Nuclear Physics - N. Ya. Smorodinskaya...................................... 1195 1013 INFORMATION: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LIAISONS Soviet Specialists in the Field of Superconducting Engineering Visit the USA - E. Yu. Klimenko ......................................... 1197 1015 Visit of French Specialists on Radiation Safety to the Soviet Union - A. V. Fisun . . . 1199 1016 INDEX Author Index, Volumes 32-33, 1972 ............. .............. .... 1203 Tables of Contents, Volumes 32-33, 1972 ............................... 1211 The Russian press date (podpisano k pechati) of this issue was 12/6/1972. Publication therefore did not occur prior to this date, but must be assumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafter., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Fifty years have elapsed since the historic First All-Union Congress of the Soviets. In those 50 years of intensified labor and struggle on the part of all of the peoples of our multinational Soviet State in the name of the bright ideals of communism, science has made enormous progress in our country. The foundations of science laid down during the first years of Soviet power and the constant support and attention given to science by the State, have contributed to the country's scientific progress, and have made it possible to solve such major and complex* scientific and technical problems of our times as the conquest of atomic energy, space flight, building of modern communications networks, aviation trans- portation, computer technology, and so forth. Naturally, at each stage in the history of the Soviet State the development of science has been in- dissolubly bound up with concrete problems in the social and economic transformation of our country, and with the building of a socialist society. The Leninist national policy pursued by the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] has aimed at raising the level of the national economy and of the culture of all nations and nationalities in the USSR. This has led, within a short historical period, to the overcoming of age-old backwardness suffered by many of the peoples, and to the flourishing of science in all of the republics. In close collaboration with one another, and with the fraternal aid of the Russian people, the republics of the Union emerged to a new, and hitherto unexperienced, level of development of science and culture. The organization of Soviet science has undergone radical change within the past five decades. The various republics of the Union now all boast of their own academies of sciences, which are major scien- tific-research centers successfully contributing to the development of science and to national culture. It must be stressed that the growth of science in the country took place not only "horizontally," i.e., throughout the nation, in all parts of the nation, but also "vertically," i.e., in the direction of raising the overall level of research on a worldwide scale, encompassing a steadily broader scope of scientific and technical problems, and making available technology of increasingly greater sophistication. This trend becomes particularly conspicuous in the establishment and development, in the republics of the Union, of research in the field of nuclear science and nuclear engineering, in the field of the peaceful uses of atomic energy. As we know, during the very first postwar years nuclear physics research and applications of this research in other areas of science, engineering and industry, began to develop on a large scale in our country. Scientists from many of the republics in the Union took part in the very first research programs and efforts based primarily on utilization of radioactive isotopes in the solution of important problems in chemistry, biology, geology, engineering, medicine, agriculture, and other fields. Highly qualified teams of research workers known not only for their own work and accomplishments in the field of fun- damental nuclear physics, but also for their contributions to the elucidation of the nature of the atom, had been formed by that time in some of the republics. That was the case, for example, with the Kharkov Physics and Engineering Institute [KhFTI]. Much experience had been accumulated in Armenia, where research on cosmic radiation had been in progress as early as the period nearing the end of the war. A major nuclear physics center, the Erevan Physics Institute, equipped with a 6 GeV electron accelerator later developed in Armenia. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 947-953, December, 1972. C 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Work in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy gradually strengthened ties between the scientists of the sister republics of the Union and the central scientific-research institutions, and with the scientific collectives of other republics in the Union. The close ties between scientists and such major centers of nuclear science and nuclear engineering as the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, the V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute, the A. F. foffe Physics and Engineering Institute, the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences [FIAN], and many others, and trips to the sister republics of the Union on the part of famous nuclear scientists, contributed to rais- ing the overall level of local research work, and to bringing into being national scientific cadres in that field. The building of experimental water-cooled, water-moderated reactors designed for a broad range of research programs on low-energy nuclear physics, radiation material science, radiation chemistry and radiation biology, as well as for the production of radioactive isotopes to meet the needs of science and of the national economy of republics, was begun in response to an idea put forth by I. V. Kurchatov and under the supervision of Academician A. P. Aleksandrov at the Institute of Atomic Energy, and provided a power- ful stimulus to the development of research in the sister republics of the Union. Research reactors of that type were built not only in Moscow, Leningrad, and other cities of the RSFSR, but were also built in Georgia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Latvia, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan. Those reactors provided a focus and base for the scientific institutions being rebuilt or developed still further in those areas, and that helped bring about fundamentally new conditions favoring the development of nu- clear physics in the sister republics of the Union. I. V. Kurchatov played a major role in setting up many of the atomic research centers. Some of the research centers in the republics now have at their disposition not only reactors, but also sophisticated particle accelerators, high-level y -irradiation facilities, hot laboratories, and other unique research equipment. The contributions being made to science (pure and applied) by these new re- search centers is continually on the increase, and many of the research projects carried out by scientists at these centers have long since passed beyond the range of work centered on techniques and work of nar- rowly applied character, and are now counted among the most advanced achievements of world science. The history of nuclear physics research in the Ukraine is the richest in events; development of re- search in the Ukraine got its start essentially in 1932, when the lithium nucleus was successfully split at the Kharkov Physics and Engineering Institute. During the postwar period, Ukrainian scientists, in ad- dition to their active participation in determining the nature of the atom, also made significant contribu- tions to many fundamental branches of atomic physics, and to the utilization of the techniques and equip- ment of nuclear physics in allied branches of science and in the national economy in the Ukraine. Neutron generators, a 1 GeV linear electron accelerator, the U-120 cyclotron, and various other custom-designed nuclear facilities, were developed and built. The 10 MW VVR-M reactor of the Nuclear-Research Institute (IYaI) of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was started up in Kiev in 1960. With the aid of those facilities, and their reactor, Ukrainian scientists succeeded in completing major research projects in the study of the spectroscopy of slow neutrons and interactions of fast neutrons, as well as work on inter- actions of protons, deuterons, and a-particles with nuclei. The neutron constants of various structural materials were determined, the nonmonotonic behavior of neutron cross sections, and the isotope effect in elastic scattering of protons, were detected. Theoretical physicists of the Ukraine have to their credit some research accomplishments of major importance on the statistical model of the nucleus, the theory of nonaxial nuclei, and on the compound and dual model of elementary particles. At the present time, work on construction of the U-240 reactor designed for comprehensive inves- tigations of nuclear processes over a broad range of energies is nearing completion at IYaI. The startup of the VVR-M reactor enabled Ukrainian scientists to develop extensive work on appli- cations of nuclear techniques in allied branches of science and engineering, and in the national economy. Research work centered around the reactor facility allows great leeway for studies on applications of in- elastic scattering of slow neutrons in the study of the dynamics of matter in the condensed state. A special multidetector arrangement, built in collaboration with the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE), has been used to carry out an interesting program of research on inelastic scattering of slow neu- trons in polyethylene. That research has yielded data of great importance for reactor physics and solid Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 state physics, shedding light on neutron thermalization processes in polyethylene and the generalized fre- quency spectrum of polyethylene. The facility has also been utilized for work on studies of phonon spec- tra in such elements as iron, copper, and nickel. A higher level of sophistication in measurement techniques and procedures and improvements in the performance of the facility made it possible to measure dispersion curves in crystals, which is of great interest in solid-state physics research. Research on the radiation physics of solids and radiation ma- terials science are accorded no less an important place in the research program. In particular, pos- sibilities for varying the parameters of various semiconducting materials in a prespecified direction have been greatly expanded as a result of research on radiation effects on the properties of semiconducting ma- terials and on the n-p structure of semiconducting materials. One characteristic trait of work on radia- tion materials is the profound combination of the study of the structure of radiation defects and research on the most important technological properties of structural materials used in reactor design. Attention is centered on the development of adequate procedures and investigation of the properties of structural ma- terials directly while the irradiation process is underway. Biological research has experienced extensive development at the reactor facility of the IYaI AN UkrSSR, particularly in the field of radiation microbiology. This research is directed toward the develop- ment of effective methods for raising the productivity of industrially important microorganisms. In their study of the general patterns of variability of bacteria due to fast neutrons, Ukrainian scien- tists have succeeded in sectioning a series of mutants with enhanced biosynthetic activity by combining neutron irradiation and chemical mutagens. In 1970, a radiation-induced mutant of a strain producing proteolytic enzymes was introduced into a process of production of triacetate films, where the culture broth of that microorganism is used in regenerating the films in order to wash off the gelatin substrate and the photographic emulsion. Starting with 1961, research in the field of biological effects of fast neutrons has been successfully pursued at that reactor facility. The purpose of the research was to clarify changes occurring in animals after they have been exposed to fast neutrons at different dosage levels, with simul- taneous sampling of the most effective preparations protecting the organism from neutron injury. As a re- sult of those investigations, it was found that fast neutrons bring about long-term functional and organic injuries in exposed animals, which show up in six or more months, and light was also shed on the protective mechanism of DNA in combatting radiation injury. Research on the physical and experimental parameters of the reactor needed in order to work on modernizing, perfecting, and fabricating new systems and components, occupies a prominent place in the Institute's work program. In-pile tests showed that the reactor output level could be stepped up from 10 to 15 MW without any design modifications. Over 1200 containers with different specimens were irradiated in the reactor's experimental channels, for the benefit of many organizations in the Ukraine and in other republics of the Soviet Union. The first in a series of IRT-2000 pool-type nuclear research reactors developed in the USSR was the reactor at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, which went into opera- tion in October 1959, at a site near Tbilisi. The distinguishing feature of the research carried out with that reactor was the way low-temperature physics problems, which have been tackled with great success at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, have been organically combined with nuclear physics problems, solid-state physics problems, and biophysics problems. At the present time, the Tbilisi nuclear reactor has been converted into a modern cryogenic laboratory equipped with powerful refrigerator and liquefying machines, and special mainline devices for low-temperature radiation experi- ments. The Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR is the leading organization in the development of low-temperature materials science. The methods of radiation low-temperature solid-state research developed at the Institute, and the low-temperature irradiation channels built in the reactor for irradiating specimens and in-channel facili- ties for performing remote measurements, enabled the Georgian physicists to achieve impressive results in their work. For example, investigations of changes in the physicomechanical properties of solids ex- posed to reactor irradiation have been carried out over a broad range of temperatures, directly in the beam and with some time elapsed after the irradiation, and the investigations have shown that changes in the mechanical properties of a solid are more likely a secondary effect of the irradiation associated with a clustering of point defects into complexes. Great emphasis is laid by scientists on the radiation physics of solids in work related to directed changes in the physicomechanical properties of crystals exposed to Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 radiation bombardment in the pile, in combination with other effects. In particular, some interesting ex- periments have been staged (jointly with the Physics and Engineering Institute [FTI AN UkrSSR]) on studies of the motion of dislocations through the stress field in a beam. A diffusion-dislocation mechanism of plastic flow of crystals has been put forth on the basis of the experimental findings. Another, no less important, trend in the work of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR is the development of highly sensitive techniques for neutron activation analysis in de- terminations of trace quantities of heavy elements in human blood and in components of the blood (ery- throcytes, leucocytes, serum, etc.), in the cerebrospinal fluid, and in tissues subjected to in vivo biopsies. In experiments carried out at the macromolecular level (proteins, nucleic acids), investigations of the trace-element composition in biologically active substances helped in detecting an essential difference be- tween the composition of trace amounts of metals in DNA molecules, RNA molecules, and collagen mole- cules extracted from normal and tumorous tissues of animals. Important results were obtained by Georgian physicists in the field of the design of radiation indium -gallium loops, as new and high-level sources of y-radiation for research and industrial use. The generation of radioactive nuclei in the working materials of radiation loops, and the related de- formation of the neutron fields and of the neutron spectrum in the region where activity generators are positioned, have been investigated. Methods have been proposed for more complete utilization of neutrons in attaining higher power output levels in the irradiators of radiation loops. In joint work with the L. Ya. Karpov Scientific-Research Physicochemical Institute [NIFKhI] and GIREDMET Rare Metals Institute, the most promising y-carrier for radiation loops: a liquid-metal indium-gallium alloy, was selected, studied and subjected to long-term tests. The processes taking place at the interface between the molten indium -gallium alloy and the structural material were investigated in detail, and materials that might be useful in the design of high-level radiation loops for industrial application were singled out. Over the course of the past five years, plans have been finalized for the building of the USSR's full- scale industrial facility for production of wood and lumber products modified with the aid of radiation technology, on the basis of developmental work carried out at the nuclear-research center of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. Work on intensification of heat transfer, with the aid of an artificial surface roughness, applied by means of a method specially developed by Georgian physicists, to the surface of fuel elements was carried out in the core of the Tbilisi reactor. That work made it possible to increase the heat loading of the reac- tor core by a factor of 2.5. At the present time, the possibility of using the artificial roughness to advantage, in raising the heat loading of high-output water-cooled reactors generating power for nuclear electric power stations, is under study. A VVR-S reactor was started up in Uzbekistan in 1959 at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, which had been commissioned only three years earlier. The rapid constitution of an experimental facility fully up to modern standards in the republic, has since expanded so much that at the present time the experimental capabilities of the republic include not only the reactor, but a U-150 type cyclotron, a high-level y-facility with irradiators, and other nuclear physics equipment and arrangements, has enabled Uzbek scientists to perform applied and fundamental investigations on the physics of elementary particles, low-energy physics and intermediate-energy physics, radiation physics of solids, chemical dosimetry, radiochemistry, and activation analysis. In 1971, the VVR-S reactor was redesigned with the assistance of the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE), so that its power output could be raised from 2 to 10 MW, and its experimental capabilities expanded appreciably. A two-channel loop facility was installed as part of the reactor system. Investigations on inelastic coherent interactions of high-energy particles with complex nuclei, spec- troscopy of heavy nuclides, and investigations of nuclear reactions with protons on light nuclides with com- pletely filled shells, research on the radiation physics of crystals employed in quantum electronics and laser optics, occupy a prominent place in the research program of the Institute. Techniques of activation analysis of rare and scattered elements in specimens of rock and ores, and practical implementation of those methods at industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan and other republics, are being developed at an in- tensive pace. A highly efficient and productive automated complex for determining contents of precious metals in ores has been built alongside the reactor. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 In recent years, the Institute has been conducting extensive research work in collaboration with scientific institutions and with industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan and other republics. In particular, some important work is underway on utilizing radiation exposure to improve the performance charac- teristics of field logging cables, power transmission cables, and other cableware intended for service under high-temperature conditions. A technology for irradiating large-size cableware of different design, as well as special dosimetric systems useful for monitoring the radiation process and radiation quality, and also the uniformity of the dose field in the irradiator facility, has been worked out. Starting with 1964, the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR [IYaF AN UzSSR] has been engaged in fruitful collaboration with the Tashkent hemp mill. During that time, radioisotope weight gages for hemp strips on rough-combing machines have been developed and introduced into production work, thereby making it possible to save on expensive raw materials and cut down overall production costs. Development of a system for automatic control of the linear weight of hemp strips for the machines is now nearing completion. Radioisotope arrangements for the building materials industry of the republic have been devised in joint programs with NIlstroiproekt Design and Planning Institute. One of these arrangements is a radio- isotope facility for monitoring the state of the lining in rotary kilns, and is now in use at the Bekabad Cement Combine. Preparations are now being made for putting this instrument into mass production. Radioisotope facilities for monitoring the dust load of off-gases, for monitoring the degree of decarburiza- tion of material in the kiln, and the degree of readiness of the lime. Radioisotope clinker scales were developed and fabricated for production use at the Kuvasai cement combine. The close of the past year marked one full decade of service of the IRT-2000 research reactor of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. The startup of the reactor was asso- ciated not only with a substantial expansion of work in the fields of nuclear spectroscopy and activation analysis, which had by that time become something of a tradition at the young institute, but also with the appearance of a research trend, new at that institute, centered on the radiation physics of solids. Results of comprehensive investigations of the formation of radiation defects, radioluminescence and radiolysis in alkali halide crystals, as well as radiation processes in ferrites and oxides of the transition elements, have achieved widespread scientific acknowledgement in our country. These investigations have shed light on the radioluminescence mechanism in activated alkali halide crystals, and have aided in establishing the energy microstructure of luminescence centers and in obtaining more refined information on the nature of the chemical bond in impurities in irradiated alkali halide compounds. As a result of studies on the mechanism of energy transfer in ionic crystals, a rapid process of energy migration between color centers was detected. The discovered phenomenon provided an impetus to search for new ways to use the detected effect in the design and development of high-speed, high-capacity optical memory components, in which the memory matrix is constituted by an appropriate single crystal. Investigations of radiation effects in lithium fluoride crystals subjected to different modes of irradiation, led Latvian physicists to develop new thermo- luminescent dosimeters with a broad range of doses accessible to measurement (10 Mrad to 109 rad). These dosimeters are suitable for recording x-rays, y -rays, neutron radiation, and other modes of radiation. They are being employed with success in radiochemical research at the reactor, and have been adopted by the Ministry of Public Health of the USSR for regular use in radiological practice. Another type of dosi- meter, based on thermoluminescent detectors developed at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR and capable of recording doses from 1 to 104 Mrad while retaining the dosi- metric information for a sufficiently long time, may find application in radiation work. Investigations of the electrical and magnetic properties of ferrites and semiconductors subjected to radiation and an externally applied magnetic field have also paid off in the discovery of some intriguing phenomena. Some of them have already met with practical application. For example, a method of im- proving the performance of semiconductor diodes and transistors by irradiating them with fast neutrons has been developed. Research and development work on high-level liquid-metal radiation loops as sources of y-radiation are emphasized in the work of the institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. Such novel experimental facilities as an indium-gallium-tin radiation loop for experiments on radiation chem- istry, physics, radiobiology, and other areas, have been developed at the reactor facility. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 in the Yield oI neutron activation analysis, the Institute's scientists have developed well over 40 methods for determining chemical elements in a variety of materials, and these methods have been put to successful use in chemistry, biology, medicine, and in various industrial enterprises of the republic. Work on nuclear spectroscopy is proceeding in close liaison with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Re- search. Much of the work involves investigation of the structure of nuclei of the rare earths in terms of y- emission and spectra of conversion electrons emitted when thermal neutrons are captured. A novel (3-ray spectrograph with focusing of a broad electron beam has been designed and built for the study of the spectra of conversion electrons. In Belorussia, the operation of the IRT-2000 research reactor of the Nuclear Power Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR [IYaE AN BSSR] went into service in 1963. Over the ensuing years, the material research capabilities of the republic increased considerably. At the present time, in addition to the reactor, whose output level has been brought up to 4000 kW, the Institute also has at its disposal several critical assemblies for the study of reactor physics, a few dozen test rigs for a broad re- search program on the heat-transfer properties of coolants, heat transfer in general, and related topics, and also modern computer hardware. Since 1968, the Institute has been operating one of the country's largest multichamber, y-ray facilities with an irradiator activity exceeding 400,000 g-eq radium. The Institute's scientists have put forth and developed the concept of utilizing a gas hitherto never exploited in the power industry: dissociable nitrogen tetroxide, as a coolant in nuclear reactors and as the working fluid in turbines. The successful materialization of this concept in the construction of.nuclear power stations may make it possible to reduce turbine size and the size of heat-transfer equipment severalfold while increasing efficiency and cutting electric power costs. Important scientific information on the thermodynamic properties and transport properties of dis- sociable nitrogen tetroxide have been obtained, as a result of many long years of persistent investigation, in ranges of pressures and temperatures which are of practical interest for the nuclear power industry. Calculations of the thermodynamic cycles on chemically reactive coolants have been carried out, and a mathematical model has been worked out for calculation of the flow of such a coolant with dissociation kinetics taken into account. Convective heat transfer in the range of temperatures and pressures of practi- cal interest was studied, as well as heat transfer in boiling and condensation of .nitrogen tetroxide. The viability and thermal reversibility of the nitrogen tetroxide thermodynamic cycle and the radiation stability of nitrogen tetroxide were confirmed. Also the possibility of using corrosion-resistant structural ma- terials manufactured by Soviet industry for all major components of power plants utilizing nitrogen tetroxide was demonstrated. A large volume of theoretical, experimental, and design work associated with the development and design of fast reactors and thermal reactors using dissociating coolants has been done at the Institute. Close attention is also being given to comprehensive projects in the development of other promising nu- clear reactor types, radiation chemistry, utilization of radiation in industry and agriculture, and in medi- cine. In particular, the scientific fundamentals of an industrial enterprise with a nuclear facility for sim- ultaneous production of electrical- and thermal-power and various chemical products are under develop- m ent. In a joint program with Moscow State University (MGU), a new radiation method for production of ethylene glycol as an intermediate product in the production of lavsan [dacron], dyes, antifreeze agents, propylene glycol, butylene glycol, and other a-glycols, as well as glycerin, from methyl alcohol which is in ample supply, a new radiation processing method was developed. Kilogram quantities of organochlorine compounds were obtained on a specially constructed facility by means of radiation synthesis, and additives for lubricants were obtained by this method. "Cold" radia- tion sterilization of disposable blood service systems on an industrial scale was achieved at the y-irradia- tion facility of the institute. The Nuclear Power Institute is taking an active part in the work of the Republic's agricultural in- stitutions to work out techniques of. presowing irradiation of seeds for use under conditions prevailing in Belorussia. BSSR scientists have conducted research on radiation-induced modification of wood and concrete, have developed readily colorable and colored polymers and polyacrylonitrile fibers, and a fundamentally new class of compounds known as polymer pigments, which can be used in bulk in the coloration of fibers and films. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Nuclear physics research in the Kazakh SSR began its development about 15 years ago. In 1967, Kazakhstan physicists acquired a 10 MW VVR-K research reactor. In 1972, the country's first iso- chronous cyclotron, 150 cm pole diameter, was commissioned at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. The modern experimental capabilities and resources of the In- stitute enable the Republic's scientists to perform fundamental and applied research in the field of nuclear science and nuclear engineering. For several years, a systematic study of nuclear resonance has been in progress at the VVR-K reactor facility, using predominantly short-lived isotopes, and a pneumatic shuttle system has been installed to facilitate that work. The lifetimes of the excited states of a large group of nuclides, including A127, Mg24, Ca42, Zn66, and Sn88, etc., have been studied. Quasimonoenergetic y-photons emitted in radiative capture of thermal neutrons at the center of the reactor core are being used as investigative tools in the study of some characteristics of fission of heavy nuclei. Since 1969, work has been underway on building a facility for the generation of ultracold neutrons. These neutrons were ob- tained midway through the past year on a facility built on the continuous channel of the VVR-K reactor. Yields of ultracold neutrons with different converters were measured on the facility, and the mean time of propagation of ultracold neutrons along the neutron duct from the converter to the detector was measured. A prominent place is given, in the research centered around the VVR-K reactor, to work on activation analysis to determine the content of impurities in ultrapure elements, and in determinations of platinum, silver, and rhenium in geological specimens. Studies of the dynamics of changes in the trace element com- position in plants grown from irradiated seeds are now underway. The installation of the reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR [IYaF AN KazSSR] paved the way for broad investigations in the field of radiation materials science, and more specifically research on the effect of simultaneous temperature, stress and neutron flux on the long-term strength of refractory materials. Studies are being made of the influence of reactor irradiation on the strength and ductility, in short-term tensile strength tests, and on the physical prop- erties of refractory structural materials and on structural changes occurring in those materials, as well as changes in the adsorptivities and catalytic activities of oxides of silicon, aluminum, and beryllium ex- posed to bombardment by neutral particles. A large volume of reactor work is being done in connection with the production of various radio- active isotopes needed by industry and needed by other scientific institutions and industrial enterprises of the republic. The successes that scientists of the sister republics of the Union have achieved in the field of peace- ful uses of atomic energy are due in considerable measure to the new organization principles underlying the use of such unique and novel nuclear physics facilities as the research reactors represent. The. es- sence of these organizational principles lies in the fact that each research reactor is treated as a facility belonging to the republic as a whole, or even a facility shared by different republics, even though it is administratively under the jurisdiction and management of a specific institute. Effective utilization of republic-owned reactors would be impossible if not for the development and materialization of new forms of organization of research projects, and the appropriate assistance in terms of scientific-research techniques on the part of central scientific-research institutions, most specifically the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. Periodic conferences attended by representatives of in- terested institutions for the purpose of discussing summaries and agreements on plans of scientific-re- search projects at reactor facilities became such a new form of research organization. The idea of con- ferences of that type is credited to I. V. Kurchatov. The first such conference of representatives of all of the reactor centers of the USSR was held in March 1960, Moscow, under the supervision of Academician A. P. Aleksandrov; it attracted 80 persons from 26 organizations. Plans for scientific-research work at reactors built at various institutions under the jurisdiction of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and of the academies of sciences of the various republics of the Union were discussed, and certain trends of research were recommended as guidelines to focus the research programs of each specific reactor facility, while measures to expedite materials logistics support of the projects were prepared. Later on, as the level of skills and training of the cadres rose and as the materials logistics base for research at reactor facilities in the sister republics of the Union was strengthened, the agenda on the conferences organized under the joint auspices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the GKAE [State Commission on Atomic Energy] and under the supervision of Academician A. P. Aleksandrov expanded to Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 take up not only scientific organizational problems, but also presentations of original scientific reports on the basic research trends at reactor facilities. The conferences began to draw representation not only from institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the scientific-research institutions of the republics, but also from scientific institutions of the Ministry of Higher and Medium Special Education and other ministries and departments of the nation. We get some idea of the scientific and scientific-organizational authority of those conferences, for example, from the fact that 344 representatives from 88 organizations of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and the academies of sciences of the sister republics, GKAE, and other ministries and departments, participated in the deliberations of the seventh coordination conference held at Minsk. Of course, regular joint discussion of research findings and plans for future research, as well as the steadily expanding scope of work by republic-level institutes working in unison with leading nuclear physics institutions of the country, have exerted a most fruitful effect on the situation regarding creative research work in the nuclear research centers of the republic, and have contributed to raising the effectiveness with which those centers make use of their available nuclear physics facilities. And now, when our country celebrates the 50th anniversary of the USSR, Soviet science can be justi- fiably proud of both the general level of work in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy and of the progress achieved in that direction in the various sister republics of the Union. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 A. M. Petros'yants FROM SCIENTIFIC PROSPECTING TO ATOMIC INDUSTRY* The second edition of the book under review differs substantially from the first edition, mostly due to the rapid development of nuclear science and engineering in both qualitative and quantitative terms. During the two years that have elapsed since the publication of the first edition, some important events have occurred in the application of nuclear power in the Soviet Union, in other socialist countries, and through- out the world. Of course, this could not fail to be reflected in the book, which the author dedicates to the 50th anniversary of the USSR, and treats as a report scheduled for that major historical date. In the second edition, as in the first, the reader can explicitly follow the author's intention to em- phasize the achievements and significance for the national economy of the work done in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear power in the Soviet Union. In that sense, the contents fully correspond to the title selected for the book, and to a concentrated presentation of the idea expressed in the title. Actually, the nuclear industry of the USSR, with its vast scientific, engineering, production, and labor potentials, has become an important and irreplaceable element of the productive force of the Soviet Union. This is demonstrated convincingly and from many points of view, particularly in the presentation of the material on the most productive aspects of the utilization of nuclear power: the nuclear power in- dustry and the production of radioactive isotopes. The volume of the text has been expanded in the second edition. The section on the nuclear power industry has been expanded appreciably. One major event of international interest was the IVth Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, held in 1971, which was reflected in the form of com- munications and presentations of Soviet reports delivered at the conference. New data are brought forth, and information on channel-type uranium-graphite power reactors, water-cooled, water-moderated power reactors, and the developmental outlook for the nuclear power industry of the USSR, are provided in large amounts. The section dealing with high-energy physics and charged-particle accelerators is supplemented with new data on the largest accelerators, and on the production of new superheavy transuranium elements. The section on thermonuclear fusion has been revised. The section on the utilization of isotopes in the national economy of the USSR has been enriched with new and more complete information. The section on nuclear research centers in the Soviet Union has been expanded and its aims and achievements are expounded in greater detail. On the whole, the book has been made more rigorous, and exhibits more of the character of a mono- graph. A certain trend toward refraining from popularization is noticeable and it sometimes seems that the text is now more difficult to read. The explanation probably lies in the author's intention to approach the various topics in a more rigorous and profound manner. The author himself writes in the preface that the book is of a higher quality in this second edition. In his work on the second edition, the author oriented himself not so much toward the untutored reader as toward the reader possessing a broad but at least minimum familiarity with "atomic" subject matter. This justifies the inclusion of ample factual, numerical, and tabular material, which makes the book useful for reference. *Atomizdat, Moscow, 1972. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 33, No. 6, p. 954, December, 1972. A 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from, the publisher for $15.00. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 In other words, it seems that the author was confronted with the decision of whether to continue the presentation in the genre of the typical popular science literature, or whether to lean in the direction of the monograph and fundamental treatment. It seems that the author has chosen the latter course. The first edition was well received by the intended readership: the entire edition sold out in short time. It is gratifying to note that the book was awarded an honorary diploma by the Znanie ["Knowledge"] Society. It is to be hoped that the second edition will meet with no less well-deserved interest. V. A. Dobromyslov and S. V. Rumyantsev RADIATION INTROSCOPY* This book is devoted to engineering diagnostics of the quality and reliability of industrial products and materials in the modern machinery industry, and specifically in the manufacture of power machinery. It is written authoritatively from an extensive familiarity with the essentials of the problems in question, and is provided with adequate factual material drawn from practical applications of radiation introscopy. The problem of quality and reliability has been gaining in importance under the conditions of present- day technical advances. The development of techniques and equipment for attaining the most complete in- formation, i.e., information covering many different relevant elements, on the spatial distribution of the principal physical and physicomechanical properties of the product or material to be inspected, meets the most stringent modern requirements. Basic theoretical and applied information on radiation introscopy are provided, rendering the book highly useful to engineers concerned with applications of those techniques in industry. Special attention is given to active monitoring of the quality of metals and other materials during the production process, in the construction of modern high-cost objects and installations. Radiation meth- ods of inspection and testing perform an irreplaceable service in many instances. In that sense, the book being reviewed will be useful for application and development of those methods, since radiation methods of inspection and quality control are by and large noncontacting methods. Basic operating principles of existing electron optics converters of radiation and other types of con- verters are presented in the text. The operating principles of x-ray television circuits for industrial use are described, and their basic technical characteristics are cited. The application and wide acceptance of x-ray and y-ray closed-circuit television systems are dictated at present not only by the large volume of industrial inspection work on crucial parts and subassemblies, but also by the fact that further developments in this line of inspection equipment will be associated with the development of objective techniques for assessing inspection results. Closed-circuit television sys- tems for inspection, supplemented by appropriate data-processing and computing equipment, will make it possible to raise the level of inspection work on crucial parts and products to a qualitatively new position. The book introduces the reader to the topic in a logical presentation. An extensive bibliography is pre- sented, and should be highly useful not only to practising engineers, but also to workers at scientific-re- search institutes and laboratories engaged in the development and applications of radiation introscopy. *Atomizdat, Moscow, 1972. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR LONG-TERM PREDICTION OF NUCLEAR POWER DEVELOPMENT BASED ON ECONOMIC CRITERIA A. D. Virtser, G. 'B. Levental', UDC 621.039.003 and S. Ya. Chernavskii Economic-mathematical modeling is suited to the problem of determining effective courses for the development of nuclear power (NP) to the greatest extent. Together with the study of NP as a part of the fuel-power economy of the country one should examine the interconnection of NP, the strength and nature of the relationships between separate elements of the fuel cycle, the interaction of various types of nuclear power plants (NPP) in the general dynamic development of NP - i.e., its internal structure. For the study of these questions one should ascertain: the role of NPP's with fast reactors in satis- fying demands for electric energy; the range of technical and economic features of NPP's with fast reactors and improved heat converters allowed by the restrictions of economic competition; the advisability of the introduction into NP of fast reactors and improved heat converters; the influence of the pace of NP de- velopment on the proportion of different types of reactors; the optimal times for the introduction of fast reactors into NP; the influence of the cost of nuclear fuel on the NP structure. The most important parameter in making predictions is the prediction period. Its length is defined as the greatest interval of time, beyond which ideas about NP development do not have an effect on solu- tions adopted at the present time. Analysis of the time lag and the persistence of the investment cycle of a NPP shows that the required prediction period in NP is greater than 25-30 years [1]. The prediction method and the accuracy of the information permit determination of the length of a feasible prediction period. The use of the prediction method where there is increasing inaccuracy of in- formation can lead to a situation where a feasible prediction period will be less than required. In this case one should use the feasible prediction period as a design prediction period, but for the analysis of the re- maining period one should use another method. In choosing a long-range prediction method one should con- sider that on the basis of the present state of NP it is impossible to accurately predict its future state. Therefore the method of "exploratory prediction" is widely applied for long-range predictions of NP. This method permits the description of the future of NP in terms of likely conditions of its development. The concept of the "future" is a complex description which comprises the dynamics of investment in NP during the design period, the extent of the demand for primary nuclear fuel, the dynamics of accumulation and consumption of secondary nuclear fuel, the importance of secondary nuclear fuel in the system, the com- position of the introducible power of NPP's according to the type of available nuclear reactors, the optimal time to begin the mass construction of NPP's with fast reactors, and the ultimate technical and economic limits of various types of NPP's, etc. A preliminary analysis of the object of the study - the NP system - is an initial prerequisite of an exploratory prediction. Such an analysis permits a formulation of the principal characteristics of NP for the next 20-30 years. 1. The availability of NPP's with various types of nuclear reactors. 2. All NPP's operate from the common reserves of plutonium; therefore all NPP's are integrated by the relationships of the fuel cycle. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 955-960, December, 1972. Original ar- ticle submitted April 3, 1972. C 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 3. The state of the NPP system at a future moment of time is determined to a significant degree by the course of the development prior to that moment, particularly in that stage where there exists a deficit in secondary nuclear fuel. This is explained by the fact that the reserve plutonium sup- ply is determined by the integral nature of the consumption and production of plutonium by all NPP's introduced at a given moment. Thus the NPP system is a dynamic one. 4. The existence of a common reserve of plutonium together with the known differences in the breed- ing ratio (BR) in nuclear reactors makes an isolated comparison of NPP's impossible (without an analysis of the system), since, for example, such situations may arise: it is found that an NPP with a converter, using a high BR, is more expensive by reduced costs, while an NPP with a low BR is economically cheaper. Thus it becomes necessary to examine NPP systems as an ag- gregate of dynamic objects which are linked among themselves with direct and reciprocal re- lationships. 5. The transport component in the cost structure of a NPP is completely insignificant, since within the scope of a long-term prediction the NPP system can be represented in the form of a uni- junctional model. The above-mentioned characteristics of NP introduce the following requirements into the mathematical model for the prediction of NP development: 1) the model must exhibit the properties of a system of inter- related groups of NPP's; 2) it must be dynamic in structure; 3) the model must be realized as unijunctional; 4) the length of the design period must extend more than 25-30 years and must be modified in the process of investigation. The mathematical model for the prediction of the NPP system development includes a description of the external and internal relationships of the modeled system and expressions for integral functions and for unknown functions describing the future of NP. The equivalent description in the model of the actual relationships of NP is determined to a signifi- cant degree by the method of introducing the unknown variables. We denote by x the magnitude of the in- troducible power of a NPP. The subscripts for x - f, j , and T - designate, respectively, the type of NPP, its mode of operation and the time interval during which power is introduced. The superscripts designate the interval during which the NPP is operated. We denote by y the amount of electrical energy generated by the NPP. We use the following unknown variables: xf,j,T is the established power introducible during the time interval T of NPP's intended for operation in mode j (with the annual number of hours of operation hr-T+t); xr is the power available in the interval r (r = T, T + 1, . . .) of NPP's put into operation in the f,j,T f,j,T interval T; xf,T is the established power introduced in the interval T; yf T is the electrical energy generated in the interval r from NPP's put into operation in the interval T. Let the total number of reactor types examined be n, the number of different modes in, and the num- ber of time intervals R'. Then using the notation xf,j,T for the unknown variables, the total number of variables will be nmR'. It is evident that the transformation to another notation increases the number of variables. At the same time a series of supplementary equations must be introduced into the model, since the available power and the generation of electrical energy must be related to the established power of a NPP within a given interval of the operating period. These propositions are illustrated by the data presented in Table 1. The first method, which led to a more compact mathematical model, is evidently preferable in the present case. The disadvantage of this method - the inability to reflect changes in power of introduced NPP's in their operation period - can be eliminated by the introduction of appropriate coefficients for the unknowns xf, j, T? The structure of the time scale plays a significant role in the mathematical model. A uniform time scale with one-year intervals permits the fullest consideration of the influence of inertia in the external fuel cycle. However, its use results in a large dimensionality for the model, which in a number of cases is undesirable. Therefore the application of a nonuniform time scale seems promising, with the initial intervals having a duration of one year, and increasing to three, five, or 10 years. The nonuniform scaling is more preferable first from a practical point of view since it permits a sharp reduction in the dimensional- ity of the mathematical model, and, second, as a theoretical consequence of the fact that the applied initial information becomes more and more ambiguous according to the amount of movement along the time scale. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 TABLE 1. The Influence of the Method of It is natural then that the mathematical model must also Introducing Unknown Variables on the Di- become less detailed. The nonuniform time scale allows mensionality of the Model us at the same time to approximate the realization of Method number equal accuracy for the separate parts of the model among _ ... .. _ .. _ 1 2 3 information. Form of the I xf, i, it Xr, i, t I xf, 11, yj, i unknowns plementary 2 NPP S y s t e m constraints nR' (1 5_ Number of 0 n (m.-1) R' (R'-1) - rn+0',5R') The problem entails the study of the NPP over T' each of which consists of ST years. The NPP system interacts with the joint power system (JPS) of the country through direct and reciprocal external relationships. The direct relationship is expressed in the influence of demand for the production of electrical energy on the structure of introducible power and other char- acteristics of future NP development. The reciprocal relationship is the influence of NP on the closing costs for electrical energy in the general JPS structure, and through changes in their costs on the economi- cally preferable structure of the introducible power from NP. The direct relationship may be described by two balanced equations in which the electrical energy generated in each interval of time and the electrical power from NP used by the joint power system is expressed through structural parameters characterizing the composition of NPP types. To include the reciprocal link in the mathematical model one must know the functional dependence of changes in closing costs of electrical energy in the JPS on changes in generated electrical energy from NP. Since this problem is to a large degree an independent one, it follows that in the present model the descrip- tion may be limited only by the direct external relationships of NP. In describing the elements of the NPP system one must take into account not only the possibility of their improvement during the years of their introduction through an increase of unit power of the blocks and the influence of other factors, but also the possibility of changes in their technical and economic characteristics after the NPP is put into opera- tion, i.e., not only the technical progress of NPP's under construction, but also their improvement during operation. The balanced equations for the available power and the generation of electrical energy in the NPP system for each time interval have the form 2 E (af, rxf, i, r+Aaf, r-lxf, i, r-s) =Nr, f=1j=1 n 2 r-2 s) = Er, oaf, rhl. i. rxf, i, r-}- (hp, r-ihj, i. r i) xf, f, r-i (hl. h i xf, i, 1=13=! t=1 . where af,T is the coefficient for assimilation of the established power in the interval T for an f-type NPP introduced in this period; Daf T = 1- of,, is the increase in the assimilation coefficient in the second yearof operation of anf-type NPP introduced in the interval T ; h f j T is the number of hours of operation for the re- spective NPP's in the time interval 0 of operation after startup, 0 = 1, 2, . . . , R' - T + 1; Er, Nr are, respectively, the necessary increase in the production of electrical energy in the interval r and the available power of all NPP's in the NP system, r = 1, 2, . . R'. In deriving (1) and (2) we have assumed that the mode of operation of the NPP existing at the be- ginning of the design period does not change. With the introduction into the system of a new type of nuclear reactor (for example, a fast reactor) the time which is needed for the changeover of the machine construction industry, for the assimilation of equipment, etc., must be considered. Therefore it is expedient to provide in the model for conditions limit- ing the introduction of a new type of NPP during this period of time. Let F be the multiplicity of all types of nuclear reactors under consideration and FH the multiplicity of new types of reactors; rfH is the initial time interval for the extensive construction of the fH-type, where fH E FH, and r f is the duration of the assimilation period and of the changeover for the industry manufacturing the essential equipment. One Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 can then note the following limits on the total introducible power of fH-type reactors: 2 x'f, j, r G N fx 9=f where r = rfH, ... , rfH + rf; NfH r is the allowable increase in established power of the fH-type NPP in the interval r. The basic structural relationship between the separate types of NPP's is expressed by the equation of balance of secondary nuclear fuel (in the present work the uranium-plutonium cycle is considered) be- tween its consumption by breeder reactors and its production by all NPP's. This restriction on the de- velopment can be formulated in the following way: in each moment of time the reserve in the system of plutonium ready for charging in a breeder reactor must not be negative. Let Fa be the multiplicity of NPP types using uranium as nuclear fuel; Fb is the multiplicity of NPP types on plutonium. We introduce the following notation: gfb,T is the specific consumption of plutonium in the initial charge of a NPP with an fb-type reactor (fb E Fb), introduced in the time interval T, per unit of established power; gr-T+1 is the specific consumption of plutonium for recharging per unit of electrical energy generated in the interval r; gf TT+1 is the specific discharge of plutonium per unit of electrical energy generated in the interval r; ro is the first interval, beginning with which NPP's with fb-type reac- tors can be introduced; rBH is the inertia of the external fuel cycle, i.e., the time elapsing from the dis- charge of the fuel elements to their charge after processing in the reactors; ar is the reserve of prepared plutonium available in the system at the end of the interval r. We assume that the transfer time of secondary nuclear fuel in the external fuel cycle is equal to one year. This means that the plutonium manufactured in the year (r - 2) may be used to charge NPP's introduced in the year r. We will assume also that in the first year of operation of a NPP with breeder reactors, consumption of fuel for recharging is equal to zero. Taking into account these assumptions for time intervals where ST = 1, the quantity of plutonium suitable for charging a NPP in the interval r is determined by the relation n 2 X1 r-2 xf,j.t ~-ar-1, &r=Gr-2 -I- lJ 2 LJ af,t-igt.i-th ' f, 2. T f=ij=li=1 where Gr -2 is the plutonium manufactured in the (r - 2) interval by NPP's operating at the beginning of the design period. The quantity of plutonium being charged in fb-type NPP's introduced in the interval r is equal to ~~1t 2 &r = /J E gfb, rxfb, j, r, fbEFb j=1 where r = ro, ... , R'. The consumption of plutonium for recharging in the interval r is found from the relation 2 r-1 ar-r I-fhr-i -1 r-t--t g f i, 1bEFb j=1 i=1 fb' r fb, 7, t fb' ti bI Combining (4)-(6), we obtain conditions of nonnegativity for the system's plutonium reserve: cl}0r?Jr-c`Ir+ar-n, (7) ar-1 0, (7') ar 0, (7") where r = r0, ... , R'. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 In perspective, the most important condition for the development of the NPP system is the possible limitation on the primary nuclear fuel used, which may be related either to an increase of its cost as a function of the size of the involved resources of natural uranium or to limitations on the size of the involved resources due to a possible lag in construction of enterprises in the external fuel cycle. Let us divide the reserves of natural uranium into three categories, where the cheap reserves are withdrawn first, and then the more expensive ones. We introduce the notation: Ci is the specific cost of natural uranium of the i-th category; Qi is the corresponding size of the reserves; Xl is the size of the natural uranium resources used in the time interval r from the reserves of the i-th category by all NPP's; Qr(xf,j,T) is the natural uranium consumption by the corresponding NPP's in the time interval r, expressed linearly in xf,j,T; Qo is the natural uranium consumption in the interval r by existing NPP's. The con- straints on natural uranium are then written in the form n 2 r 3 Qr (xf. l.,,) + QO= Xif f=19=12=1 2=1 R' E r X; tserv, expressed in years. The second equation defines the plutonium balance in the nuclear power system. It is assumed that all the plutonium obtained in the system is used up in it; there is no plutonium introduced from outside. It is also assumed that the plutonium is used as a fuel only in fast breeders. Plutonium Balance Equation for Year t. 1) Plutonium consumption t-0 astxtt + aat x11. 1=0+1 Here a9 is the proportion of fissionable plutonium charged into the breeders (in t/106 kW): a8 = ga. z.Zinit (8) (ga.z. is the total amount of fuel charged into the active zone, in t/106 kW; Zinit is the initial fissionable plutonium content of the fuel, expressed in fractions of unity); 3,65.105cpt (9) B11t where a9 is the proportion of fissionable plutonium used for recharging the breeders, expressed in t/106 kW ? yr; (pi is the average plant power utilization factor for breeders, expressed in fractions of unity; B1 is the average depth of fuel burnup in the active zones of the breeders, expressed in MW (fuel) ? days/t; 711 is the efficiency of a nuclear power station using a breeder, expressed in fractions of unity. 2) Plutonium production t~-e1t 1-02 t-03 al6(t-e,) L.J x1. +a11(t-02) E' x21 " a12(t-e3) V X31' T=0+1 T=1 1=1 In formulas (7) and (10), 0 is the residence time of the fuel in the cycle; so = I Tfli/ fi I, in years (Tf11 is the fuel lifetime in breeders, expressed in years); 01 = I Tfl1/ q91 + Tp!, in years (Tp is the length of the ex- ternal fuel cycle, expressed in years); 02 = I Tf12/ (p2 + TpI, in years (Tf12 is the fuel lifetime in fast conver- ters, expressed in years); 03 = I Tfl3/ q3 + T.pI (Tfl3 is the fuel lifetime in thermal converters, expressed in years); a1o, ail, and a12 represent the buildup of plutonium (in t/ 106 kW ? yr) in breeders, fast converters, and thermal converters, respectively: ato (1-tPu) 0.39?TPt (KHa z.+KHe.s. 'KHs s.) (11) = ?1 . (Epu represents the relative plutonium loss in the external cycle,, expressed in fractions of unity; KHa.z., KHe.s.9 and KH5.s, are the coefficients of accumulation of fissionable plutonium in the active zone, in the end shields, and in the side shields, respectively, expressed in grams of plutonium per gram of all sepa- rated nuclei); Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 0.39KH2(Q2 alt = (1 - Epu) 12 0.39KH3W3 a12- (1 - EPu) T13 where the coefficients KH are expressed in grams of plutonium fission per gram of separated nuclei and the indices 2 and 3 refer to fast converters and thermal converters, respectively. Under the conditions we have adopted, when only the plutonium accumulated in the system is used until plutonium is obtained from the regenerate,i.e., when t < 0 = min{93, 03}, we have xl = 0. The pluto- nium balance equation becomes meaningless in this case and can be used only for t > 0. Thus, the plutonium balance equation has the following form: t-oo t~--110 t-~0l2 t-~013 a71xtt+ast LJ x1T-a9(t-0) LJ x1T-aia(t-o2) /J xi.-a11(t-03) LJ X3T==0. (13) T=B~1 T=0+1 T=1 T=1 The electrical power generation balance equation has the following form: C3 T `t, Gi Y 'Pit LJ xit = Ect, i=1 t=1 T=1 where (pi is expressed in h/yr; Ect is the total amount of electrical energy generated by all the nuclear power stations, beginning at time t = 0, expressed in 106 kWh/yr. In all equations, we have at > 0; xit >_ 0; aio = 0; xio = 0. The coefficients ait are independent of the variables xit, and therefore the equations can be solved as a system of three linear equations in three un- knowns. Substituting the solution of the system into the target function yields the amount of natural uranium consumed. The nuclear power industry structure obtained as a result of the solution is the optimal struc- ture with respect to natural uranium consumption. The choice of, the dynamics of the variation in the plant power utilization factor ((pit) for different types of reactor should be studied in somewhat more detail. The model provides for different methods of determining this factor. In the first method, it is defined on the basis of processing and extrapolation of experience acquired in operating thermal electric power stations; in this case the cpit are independent of the xit, and the model is linear. In the second method, the it for breeders is assumed to take on its maximum possible value (having due regard, of course, for the requirements of the power system), while the (pit for converters is selected in the model itself, as a function of the structure of the system in pre- vious years, and the difference between the it values is specified. This method is somewhat approxi- mate, since, strictly speaking, (pit will depend on xit. Lastly, there is a variant in which several pos- sible operating regimes are specified for converters of different types, and in the model we take the opti- mal combination of the specified regimes from the point of view of minimizing the target function. In this, case the model is again linear. In the above model, fast breeders are put into operation as plutonium is accumulated in the system. It is a matter of great practical interest, however, to investigate a model in which the breeders are put into operation in large numbers simultaneously, starting in some specified year, using plutonium accumu- lated earlier in the nuclear power system. Such a situation can develop in a nuclear power industry, since its development is based almost exclusively on thermal reactors, whereas considerable time is required for developing single experimental or pilot-plant power stations using fast breeders. During this period of time it is impossible to introduce a large number of high-power fast reactors into the inudstry. This is an ad- ditional restriction imposed on the development of a nuclear power industry where the internal charac- teristics are taken into consideration. We assume that the fast breeders will be brought into operation starting from some particular time (year) ,9 (0 + 1 < ,9 < T). Up to the year 9, naturally, xl = 0. In this case the fast-breeder power that can be introduced in the year 3, on the basis of the available reserves of plutonium, will be t-02 t-03 0 a10(t--02) X2T _a11(1.03) G X3i T=1 T=1 x19 1=0+1 ast Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 If ,9 is greater than 0, then x1,9 may exceed a7,,~ = N, , the total amount of power introduced in the entire nuclear power industry during this year. Then xl,,? = a1i9, while x2$ = x3,9 = 0, i.e., no converters are put into operation in the year ,~. The excess plutonium produced in the system during this year should be used during the following year, ,9 + 1. For the year ,9 + 1 we solve an ordinary system of equations, but to the value x1(,5 +1) found from the second equation, we add the quantity x1.,9 -a7,9. Then we find x2(,9+1) and x3(,9+1) in the usual manner. If the value of x1(,9+1) + x1,9 -a7,,9 is greater than a7(,9+1), then the excess plutonium will be used in the year 9 + 2, and so on. If in the solution of the ordinary system of equations (the introduction of breeders as plutonium is accumulated in the system) in the year tt the value of xltt exceeds Ntt, then we follow a procedure analogous to the one described above. If the number of types of breeder reactors is greater than three, then addi- tional independent variables are introduced, in a manner analogous to x1, into the target function and the equations; if the new reactors are converters, we add variables which are introduced in a manner analogous to x2 and x3. Consideration has also been given to the case in which a nuclear power industry is developed on the basis of two types of reactors: a fast breeder and a thermal or fast converter. Here xit and x2t are de- termined from the plutonium and power balance equations, and the electrical energy generation balance equation is used to select c02t for given values of colt and Ect. Taking Account of the Diversity Factor in the Demand for Natural Uranium. The mathematical model described above enables us to consider a large number of variants of possible development of a nuclear power industry within the framework of the CMEA on the basis of a specified demand for original nuclear fuel. Obviously the different variants may differ not only in their integral demand but also in their dif- ferential demand for natural uranium. At the same time, it is known that it makes a difference to a state (or a group of states) whether a specified amount of natural uranium is required at present or will be required at some future time. In other words, the economic significance of the demand for each unit of natural uranium for the years of the forecast period should be estimated with a coefficient less than 1, and this demand should be reduced to the value for the beginning or the end of the forecast period. In this case, when we reduce the integral re- quirement for. natural uranium to the beginning of the forecast period, the target function (1) can be written as Y, Grt (1 + J'P )1-t i=1 t=1 where uIP is the norm used for taking into consideration the uranium requirement for the years of the fore- cast period. From the above considerations, we see that the value of Qtp will be determined by the effi- ciency of utilization of natural uranium in the nuclear power industry for the condition of optimal develop- ment (from the viewpoint of minimum consumption of natural fuel). The model described above enables us to verify how the structure of a nuclear power industry is af- fected by factors such as the coefficient of plant power utilization, the physical and heat-engineering char- acteristics of the reactors and of the fuel cycle (depth of burnup, reproduction of secondary fuel, effi- ciency of the fuel residence time in the cycle, U235 content of the tailings of the separation plant, etc.). The need to replace spent atomic power stations must be taken into account. In addition, the model provides for the possibility of stockpiling the plutonium accumulated in the system and introducing breeders using this plutonium when it is practical to do so. The choice of nuclear power station operating regimes has been shown to be possible. At the output of the calculation program there is also a provision for obtaining a number of dynamic indicators from the values of enriched-fuel consumption for different types of reactors, the amount of spent fuel being sent to regenerating plants, and other indicators of a developing nuclear power system. Calculations have shown that the model cor- responds to the problems of normative and investigative forecasting. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 OUTFLOW OF RADIOACTIVE NOBLE GASES FROM THE COOLANT INTO THE GAS SPACES OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT OF THE BOR-60 REACTOR V. M. Gryazev, V. V. Konyashov, UDC 539.173.8:621.039.534.63 V. I. Polyakov, and Yu. V. Chechetkin During the operation of reactors with a sodium coolant under conditions in which the hermetic state of the fuel elements may be disrupted, especially when using fuel elements involving emission of gaseous fission products, it is very important to know the proportion of gaseous radioactive products passing from the coolant into the gas spaces of the reactor. The level of radioactivity in the gas spaces determines the protective measures which have to be applied to the gas supplies under normal operation and the demands made upon the gas purification system, as well as the system for monitoring the vacuum tightness of the cans. A description of the BOR-60 reactor, its parameters, purpose, and prospects are set out in [1, 2]. In order to study the distribution of the radioactive gases in the first circuit of the BOR-60 reactor we measured the activity of these in the gas spaces and in the sodium coolant. The activity of the noble gases in the gas spaces of the reactor and the circulating pump of the first circuit were measured in gas-spec- trometric loops by a nonsampling method, using a scintillation -y-spectrometer with a collimator [3]. For a more detailed study of the isotopic composition and a determination of low activities of noble gases in gas samples we used a Ge(Li) detector (sensitive volume 25 cm3, resolution with respect to Cs137 approximately 1.2%). The activity of the Ne23 in the sodium coolant was determined by a nonsampling method in the tu- bular conduit of the first circuit for a thermal power of the reactor up to 100 kW. Table 1 shows the specific activities of the noble gases in the gas spaces of the reactor and the pump. The levels of activity of these gases in the gas spaces, and also the ratio of the activities, indicate that the fuel elements are hermetically sealed. The maximum burnup of the heavy nuclei in the latter ex- tends to 3%. The relationship between the activities of noble gases with different half lives in the gas spaces of the reactor and the pump enables us to calculate the probability of gas leakage from the coolant. The equa- tion for the transfer of radioactive noble gases in the first circuit, allowing for the two pumps involved in this, may be written in the form dNi dt =ct--XLNi -atN?-2biN2 -I-d1N +2fiiV?; dNi dt dNF -d =b1NZ9 -A IV -fiNp; where NP, Nl, N? are the number of atoms of the i-th isotope in the coolant, the gas space of the reactor, and the gas space of the pump, respectively; ci is the rate of access of the i-th isotope, sec-1; Ai is the de- cay constant of the i-th isotope, sec-1; aibi are coefficients characterizing the probability of a leakage of the i-th isotope from the coolant into the gas spaces of the reactor and pump, respectively, sec-1; difi are coefficients characterizing the probability of the coolant capturing the i-th isotope from the gas space of the -reactor and the gas space of the pump, respectively, sec-1. Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 965-968, December, 1972. Original ar- ticle submitted February 1, 1972. ? 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/27: CIA-RDP10-02196R000300110006-4 TABLE 1. Isotopic Composition of Radio- active Noble Gases in the Gas Spaces of the Reactor and Pump for a Reactor Power of 40 MW Specific activity, Ci/liter Half life 11/2 gas space of reactor gas space of pump Ne23 37,5 sec (3?O,5) ? 10-2 (5-j:0,8)-10-5 Ar41 1,83 h (1,3?0,2)?10-3 (2, 5?0, 5) ? 10- Krssm 4,5 h (3,8?0,5)?10-7 (1?0,2).10-7 Kr67 1,27h (4z1-_0,5)-10-? (1?0,2).10-7 Krell 2,79h (1?0, 2). 10-6 (2,1?.0,3).10-7 Xe133 5,3 d (4?0,5)?10-6 (8,5?1)?10-7 Xe133m 2,26 d (1,2.?0,2)-10-8 Xe135 9,15 h (2,70,4)?10-6 (6,2?1)?10-7 Xe135m 15,7 min (8?1)? 10-8 Xe138 17 min (2,5-1:0,5).10-7 Note: 1) Flow of coolant in the first circuit 1000 ms /h. 2) Temperature of coolant at reactor outlet 450?C. 3) The system includes a cold trap for sodium oxides. TABLE 2. Coefficients Characterizing the Leakage Probabilities of Noble Gases from the Coolant into the Gas Spaces of the Re- actor and Pump, and Mean Times Spent by These Gases in the Coolant 500 1000 Flow of coolant, m3/h Fig. 1. Dependence of the coefficient characterizing the probability of a leak- age of Ne23 into the gas space of the re- actor on the flow of coolant in the first circuit (temperature of coolant 220?C). Substitution of the experimental values (Table 1) into the system of equations (1) for three isotopes of one element (i, k, 1), on the assumption that ai = ak ae, bi = bk = be, di = dk = de, fi = fk = fe, for the steady-state case (dNP/dt = 0; dNl/dt = 0; dNP/dt 0), gives di 0.7, the slowing down time of the particle in the system increases, and hence so does the broadening of the beam under the influence of the space charge. Our experimental investigation into the manner in which the efficiency of the installation varied with space charge involved the effects of both d/rdi and A/rdi (Fig. 4). We see that, for reasonably small ratios d/ rdi

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