Soviet Nuclear Program
This document, marked as Top Secret, provides information on the Soviet nuclear programs as of September 1969. It discusses the availability of fissionable materials, specifically plutonium and uranium-235, for nuclear weapons. The Soviets have large reactor complexes for plutonium production, and their capacity may increase or decrease depending on military needs and the availability of alternative sources such as power and propulsion reactors. The document also mentions the Soviet experimentation with the gas centrifuge process for uranium enrichment, although this is speculative.
Regarding peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the Soviets have a nuclear power program that includes pressurized water reactors (PWR) and graphite-moderated, water-cooled reactors. They are constructing nuclear power stations and planning to build more, aiming to increase their nuclear generating capacity. They are also developing fast breeder reactors and anticipate using plutonium fuel in the future. Additionally, the Soviets are active in the field of marine propulsion, including nuclear-powered submarines and icebreakers.
Overall, the document provides an overview of the Soviet Union's nuclear programs, including both military and peaceful applications, as well as their plans for future expansion and technological advancements.