Re cent Soviet Naval Activity in Cuba

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This document, dated September 1970, discusses recent Soviet naval activity in Cuba. It confirms the construction of a probable submarine deployment base in Cienfuegos Bay. It also mentions the presence of a Soviet submarine tender, submarines, an LST, and a tanker in the area. Special purpose barges and construction on Alcatraz Island are noted as well. The document refers to a conversation between Charles Vorontsov and the recipient of the memorandum, where Vorontsov expressed Soviet anxiety over alleged attempts by Cuban revolutionary groups in the United States to engage in sabotage and subversive activities against Cuba. The Soviets complained about provocative articles in the American press and ambiguous statements from U.S. officials regarding Cuba. The memorandum also mentions the reconfirmation of understandings reached during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. It concludes by highlighting the need to assess concrete progress in the area of negotiations.
