Agreed Declaration between the US, UK and Canada on Atomic Energy
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In 1945, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister of Canada, and the President of the United States issued a joint statement recognizing the potential for atomic energy to be used for destructive purposes. They emphasized the need for responsibility and international cooperation in using these discoveries for the benefit of humanity, rather than as a means of aggression. They also acknowledged that complete protection from the destructive use of atomic energy lies in the prevention of war and the development of effective safeguards. The leaders proposed the creation of a commission under the United Nations to prepare recommendations for the control of atomic energy and the elimination of atomic weapons. The commission should be authorized to make specific proposals, including extending the exchange of basic scientific information for peaceful purposes and creating effective safeguards against violations and evasions. The leaders emphasized the importance of consolidating and extending the authority of the United Nations to achieve the ultimate goal of creating a world free from the scourge of war.