India NSG Exemption
The NSG statement reflects the participating governments' desire to contribute to the global nonproliferation regime and to promote the fundamental principles of safeguards and export controls for peaceful nuclear transfers. The statement acknowledges India's energy needs and takes note of its voluntary commitments and actions, such as separating civilian nuclear facilities and filing a declaration with the IAEA, concluding negotiations with the IAEA on safeguards, committing to sign an Additional Protocol, refraining from transferring enrichment and reprocessing technologies, instituting a national export control system, and harmonizing its export control lists and guidelines with those of the NSG.
Based on these commitments and actions, the participating governments have adopted a policy on civil nuclear cooperation with India, subject to the provisions of INFCIRC/254 and the guidelines on sensitive exports. Trigger list items and related technology may be transferred to India for peaceful purposes and use in IAEA safeguarded civil nuclear facilities, and nuclear-related dual-use equipment, materials, software, and related technology may also be transferred to India for these purposes.
The participating governments will maintain contact and consult through regular channels, including the Consultative Group and Plenary, to consider matters connected with the implementation of all aspects of the statement, taking into account relevant international commitments or bilateral agreements with India. If one or more participating governments consider that circumstances have arisen which require consultations, they will meet and act in accordance with paragraph 16 of the Guidelines.
The NSG Chair is requested to consult with India regarding changes to and implementation of the Guidelines and inform the Plenary of the outcome of the dialogue with India. Consultations with India regarding proposed amendments will facilitate their effective implementation by India. Upon request by participating governments, the Chairman is requested to submit the statement to the IAEA Director General with a request that it be circulated to all Member States.
In summary, the NSG statement on civil nuclear cooperation with India reflects a balance between promoting nonproliferation and supporting India's energy needs, while acknowledging India's voluntary commitments and actions to support nonproliferation and safeguards. The statement sets out a policy for civil nuclear cooperation with India, subject to certain provisions and guidelines, and establishes channels for maintaining contact and consulting on matters related to its implementation.